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Associazione Professionale Insegnanti di Ricamo, Merletto e Arti Tessili Italiane. 

Centro Internazionale di Formazione, Studi e Ricerche, Editoria Specializzata

Sede Legale e Sportello del Cittadino:

Via delle Ghiande 110/A, 06125 Perugia

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2015 Geneviève  Porpora

1Minutesite © by Sintra Consulting Srl - Disclaimer -

Care amiche appassionate dell'Opre Leggiadre del RICAMO.

L'Associazione Arti Decorative Italiane propone di lanciare anche il Italia ogni anno il 30 luglio la "GIORNATA MONDIALE DEL RICAMO".

Se volete partecipare, potete iscrivervi al Gruppo

ed inviare un breve video o foto con i vostri lavori.

Il 30 luglio potrete collegarvi in diretta anche da casa vostra oppure da un luogo della vostra zona, formando un gruppo con le vostre amiche e ricamare insieme.

Ogni anno potrete iscrivervi all'evento, scaricare il Flyer ufficiale in calce dove dovrete inserire il vostro nome, cognome e il luogo di residenza. Dopodichè il Flyer dovrà essere posta innanzi alla vostra postazione.


Dear friends passionate about the graceful works of EMBROIDERY.

The Italian Decorative Arts Association proposes to launch the "WORLD EMBROIDERY DAY" every year on July 30th in Italy too. If you want to participate, you can join this Group:

and send a short video or photo with your works.

On July 30th you can also connect live from your home or from a place in your area, forming a group with your friends and embroidering together.

Every year you can register for the event, download the official flyer below where you will have to enter your name, surname and place of residence. Then the Flyer must be placed in front of your workstation.


for World Embroidery Day 30th of July


Textile reflects our world.

Embroideries can show the expressions of our time.

Embroidery and textiles can focus on the social injustices between countries.

By the means of embroidery we can draw attention to the necessity of engaging in the force of textile in global trade and with it in world peace.

Textiles is a power and let us use embroidery as an inspiration for people to engage in creativity that leads to a better understanding between countries and between people.

To embroider is a peaceful occupation. It can be traditional made from a common remembrance, drawn designs, from a pattern, or from your own imagination.

You embroider for joy, beauty, decoration and for the creation of identity.

Stitches can be decorative, beautiful, comforting, repeating, healing, telling, pleasurable, rebellious, caressing and perfect. People embroider out of joy, as a hobby, professionally, for the bare necessities of life and as an act of freedom.

You embroider together with others or in meditative solitude. We want to acknowledge embroidery as an act of free creativity, which can lead to free, creative thoughts and ideas. We want to tie our embroidery threads from the privileged northern hemisphere together with stiches that are sewn by embroidering sisters and brothers all over the world.

We want to be part of a joyfully creative peace movement. The initiative came from

Skåne Sy-d, a local group of Broderiakademin, the Swedish Embroiderer’s Guild.


The first World Embroidery Day took place in Vismarlöv, 30th July 2011.

The importance of embroidery must be made known and World Embroidery Day

 will spread around the world.

Make 30th July a day filled with creativity for the sake of Peace, Freedom and Equality. 


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